International Church Märsta is a church fellowship in Sigtuna municipality in the heart of Märsta. The church fellowship was built out from a beautiful, simple yet dynamic prayer fellowship where God’s word, worship, prayer and community were central elements. In this environment, different people from different parts of the world came and were able to meet God in many different ways.
As a church community we want to be effective in the spreading of the gospel primarily in Sigtuna municipality and desire that through that, the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ should reach all people in our surrounding area, from Swedes to migrants from other nations. “The whole world” is in Märsta!
We desire also to be a church community where people can grow and develop into the unique individuals they have been created to be and destined to do. God has placed so much in each individual, that each and everyone has a place and a function in the local church!
You’re welcome to join us!
Richard and Carina Albertsson

Richard Albertsson, senior pastor richard@ichm.se
Jean-Baptiste and Elisabeth Mazimpaka

The core of our vision is to let God’s heart meet mankind.
Whether in smaller gatherings, in our larger community service or in conversation with people out on the street or in the square. We are convinced that God, in his boundless, perfect and never ceasing love, wants to touch every part of humanity irrespective of age, sex, ethnicity or culture to transform lives, restore, deliver and heal.
All of this is made possible through Jesus finished victory on the cross!
At our gatherings we want:
- God’s word, the good news about Jesus Christ to be preached in an accessible manner
- opportunities to be given for conversation, salvation and intercession
- passionate worship and praise to God
- an openness for the Holy Spirit’s leading and gifts
- a warm, open and inclusive community and fellowship where we see the individual
Our goal is that every person:
- first and foremost in Sigtuna municipality, should hear the gospel of Jesus Christ
- grow in faith in Jesus Christ
- experience a living and intimate relationship with God
- come into and be equipped and commissioned for the plan God has for them
- would “life out” the gospel in their everyday lives
Our vision at International Church Märsta is to let God’s heart meet people in Märsta and even beyond Sweden’s borders.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nation”
Matthew 28:19
Our church fellowship supports the organisation Good News To All People which through large campaigns in other countries works to take the gospel to each individual.
The evangelists Marcus and Hanna Bloom are close friends to our fellowship and have a huge heart for people in Asia and Africa who have yet to hear about Jesus.
If you have a longing to be part of the work in bringing change to other countries and nations and are willing to be transformed even yourself, please contact us at mission@ichm.se and come out to the mission field with us together with Good News To All People.
There are also a few other mission organisations that visit us occasionally, which you can both support and go out on mission trips with.
International Church Märsta
Street address: Östra Bangatan 2B, 19560 Arlandastad
Postal address: Box 203, 195 24 Märsta, Sweden
Tel: +46(0)70-7530734 · info@ichm.se
Org. No. 802464-3978 · BankGiro 846-1568